Achieve Stellar Solutions
Consulting focused on the physical side of UX, covering everything from Consumer Packaged Goods to Devices, blended physical/digital services, and the communities that form around these
Move Your UX Capability To The Next Level
Drive choice and spark change with stellar solutions
achieve stellar
drive customer
spark meaningful change
Team with UXelent
Team with us for Innovation, Optimization, Collaboration, & Training
Fill your portfolio white space
Starting with grounded innovation strategy and discovery research, we work with you to identify and profitably fill white space in your portfolio with winning product, service, and community offerings.
Extract greater value from your existing portfolio
We help you identify and remove pain points in current offerings and so drive competitive advantage and user choice.
Strengthen implementation of UX design across your entire organization
Most organizations have what they need to do great UX work, but resources are often dispersed in silos that obstruct the process.
We work with you to pair the right internal and external resources with the right sponsorship. Together, we deliver breakthrough UX results and strengthen implementation of UX design across your entire organization.
Foundational learning designed for your organization
We meet you where you are and take your UX capability to the next level. Training is composed of bespoke foundational learning designed for your organization followed by experiential learning as we complete projects together.
The UXelent Team
We work to make the world of physical products, including durable goods, packaging, and systems, better for those who use them and better for those who produce them.
We believe every product has a chance to be better and work with like-minded companies to take their product experiences to the next level.
Laurie Lucchina, PhD
Sensory & User Design Research
Robb Olsen
Co-Founder, Rigorous, Human-centered Design & Innovation Expert
Heather Wright Karlson,
User Experience Design Research
When you work with us, you are partnering with a team of experts who have a unique blend of diversity in training, experience, style, and approaches to your research questions. Hailing from academia and industry, we generate stellar solutions that drive competitive advantage and user choice.
Laurie Lucchina, PhD
Sensory and User Design team leader and individual contributor with demonstrated work history in academia, and the food and beverage, consumer-packaged goods (CPG), and consumer appliance industries.I approach each research question as an opportunity to glean actionable insights on the total user experience (UX) of products in context of the overall business strategy.
I bring an agile, collaborative, and human-centered approach having worked in both Fortune 300s and start-ups.
Robb Olsen
I blend advanced innovation paradigms with the best capabilities of partner organizations to create and deliver big, transformative innovation and user experiences. And we have a blast!
Of most use to our partners and clients is the way I've been able to synthesize the best from academia and industry into fast, efficient and effective approaches to creating big, game-changing innovation and UX design, along with the experience to bring it all to life effectively with senior leaders, sponsors and teams.
My background covers both industry and academia. I spent 35 years leading, doing, learning and teaching innovation at Procter & Gamble. This work bridged innovation strategy and practice, and led to effective grounded innovation strategies at the brand and category levels, as well as many successful products in market. On the innovation capability side, I co-led our global Products Research Community of Practice for 6+ years (1500+ enrollment), founded the University Accelerated Innovation program which led to bigger innovation, faster, and led the Behavioral Science for Innovation effort, which pivoted the company from traditional market research measures to experimental behavioral science as the best way to guide innovation.
In academia, am currently teaching rigorous, human-centered design and innovation at Penn State in the School of Engineering Design, Technology and Professional Programs, as well as coaching graduate innovation teams at NC State in the Technology Entrepreneurship & Commercialization program within the Poole College of Business. Past engagements include an appointment as Innovator in Residence at Northwestern's Segal Design Institute, where I created the successful Intersect innovation studio facilitating collaboration with industry on game-changing new ventures, and partnered with Dr. Richard Gonzalez and the Bio-social Methods Collaborative at the University of Michigan to do breakthrough research on behavioral methods for innovation. Additional associations include Duke, Carnegie Mellon, Singapore University of Technology & Design, and National Technical University, Singapore.
As a hands-on designer and engineer, I have 47 global patent awards, and counting. Helps keep me grounded 😉.
Heather Wright Karlson MS, MEd
I am a User Experience Design Researcher using human centered design to partner with stakeholders across industries and conduct a variety of formative and summative studies. Together we tease apart complex challenges to improve the experiences that users have with products.
All of the research studies that I design and conduct are focused on improving experiences and using the user's perspective as the lens through which an experience is seen. User research takes many forms depending on the goals and stage of development. Some of my favorite methods for collecting data include:
- remote interviews
- contextual inquiry
- user flows
- co-creation
I'm solution oriented and continuously noticing how the world around us can be improved. UX Design and Research allows me to come up with solutions for less than optimal situations.
My work has an impact on people's lives in small and large ways. It's great to be focused on ideas for solving challenges. I am keenly aware of business goals and continuously looking for opportunities to demonstrate the ROI of User Experience and I strive to make a positive impact.
I look for and find common ground to establish, build, and maintain successful collaborative relationships. My projects range across industries and clients have included: Philips, Autodesk, TIAA, Biogen Idec, Citizens Bank, MIT Media Lab, Hearst.
UXelent Resources
Workshops, Presentations, Articles, and other helpful resources
UXelent Workshop
Move Your UX Capability to the Next Level
UX Research Kickstart
Move your UX capability to the next level!
UXelent Presentations
with Laurie, Robb, & Heather
Presentation: UX Research Practical Examples
Presentation: Experience Design at Proctor & Gamble
Presentation: Adding User Experience (UX) Research to the Sensory Portfolio
UXelent workshop
Move Your UX Capability To The Next Level
Articles and Resources to get you thinking and inspired!
An Introduction to Products Research and Integrative Design & Innovation
Robb Olsen
100 Years of Rigorous, Human Centered Design & Innovation
at Procter & Gamble and the Future of Products Research
Beyond the Lab: Gathering Holistic, Qualitative User Experience Data
Heather Wright Karlson
Novel methods and approaches that facilitate the collection of meaningful information about users’ emotions and engagement.
How to Convert Blind Spots into UX Gold
Heather Wright Karlson
UX consultants can be a secret weapon to clear-up the blind spots for internal UX teams and the principle of inattentional blindness is key to understanding why internal teams have these blind spots and how UX consultants are uniquely positioned to help.
Additional Helpful Resources
Curated list of our favorite Resources
The Design of Everyday Things, Don Norman
Measuring the User Experience (Albert, William and Tullis, Thomas; https://nmcgv.org/measuring-user-experience-book/)
Foundations of Sensory Science: https://www.secondsale.com/i/foundations-of-sensory-science/9783642694271
Sensory Evaluation Techniques: https://www.amazon.com/Sensory-Evaluation-Techniques-Vance-Civille
Sensory Evaluation Practices: https://www.amazon.com/Sensory-Evaluation-Practices-Herbert-Stone-dp-0128153342/dp/0128153342/ref=dp_ob_title_bk
Sensory Evaluation of Food: https://www.amazon.com/Sensory-Evaluation-Food-Principles-Practices/dp/1441964878
Sensory Evaluation: A Practical Handbook: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/sensory-evaluation-sarah-kemp/1101087113
Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation
Steven Johnson
Design Sprint
Richard Banfield, C. Todd Lombardo and Trace Wax
Managing Chaos: Digital Governance by Design
Lisa Welchman
The Innovation Zone
Thomas Koulopoulos
It's Our Research
Tomer Sharon
Inspired: How to Create Products Customers Love by Marty Cagan
The Institute for Perception: https://www.ifpress.com/
Sensory Spectrum: https://sensoryspectrum.com/
Curion: https://curioninsights.com/
Institute of Food Technologists: https://www.pathlms.com/ift-learn-online/courses/2316
Udemy UX Courses: https://www.udemy.com/course/ultimate-guide-to-ux/
Bentley UXC: https://www.bentley.edu/centers/user-experience-center\
Bentley UXC Scorecard: https://www.bentley.edu/centers/experience-scorecard-0
Journal of Sensory Studies
Chemical Senses
Chemosensory Perception
Food Quality & Preference
Food Technology
Journal of Usability Studies (JUS) https://uxpajournal.org/
Association for Computer Machinery (ACM): https://dl.acm.org/journals
UX Matters (https://www.uxmatters.com/)
N/Ng (https://www.nngroup.com/)
UXPA: https://uxpa2020.org/
UXPA magazine: http://uxpamagazine.org/
Monell Chemical Senses Center: https://monell.org/
Kansas State University: https://foodsci.k-state.edu/research/index.html
Oregon State University: https://agsci-labs.oregonstate.edu/sensoryresearch/sample-page/
Penn State University: https://www.worldcampus.psu.edu/search?search=sensory+science
Cornell University Sensory Evaluation Center: http://blogs.cornell.edu/sensoryevaluationcenter/
University of Florida: https://catalog.ufl.edu/graduate/colleges-departments/agricultural-life-sciences/food-science-human-nutrition/food-science-human-nutrition/
UCDavis: https://foodscience.ucdavis.edu/research/sensory-science
University of Massachusetts, Amherst: https://www.umass.edu/foodsci/
Professional Associations
The Sensometric Society: http://sensometric.org/
Society of Sensory Professionals: https://www.sensorysociety.org/Pages/default.aspx
Association for Chemoreception Sciences (AChemS): https://achems.org/web/
ASTM: https://www.astm.org/Standards/sensory-evaluation-standards.html
Network for Sensory Research: https://networksensoryresearch.utoronto.ca/Network_for_Sensory_Research.html
European Sensory Network: https://www.esn-network.com/UXPA: https://uxpa.org/about-uxpa-international/
Association for Computing Machinery: https://www.acm.org/
Boston CHI: https://www.bostonchi.org/
SIGCHI: https://sigchi.org/
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